Teaching in Remote/Hybrid Learning Environments (TRLE) Grant
Overview and Grant Design (Core Competencies)
In July 2020, the United States Department of Education (USDE) announced that New York was awarded almost $20 million for the federal Rethink K-12 Education Models Grant. This will provide more than 190,000 teachers and educational leaders across this State with a combined 450,000 hours of professional support to implement effective practices in remote/hybrid teaching and learning which, in turn, will reach an estimated two million students. Thirty-nine states applied for this funding and New York was one of eleven states to be awarded funds under this grant competition.
The New York State Education Department applied for the Rethink Education Models grant to support blended and remote learning. The Department’s approach to continuity of learning is founded on two major pillars: a partnership with communities, schools, and educational leaders to close the digital divide, and steadfast support for New York’s educators. Schools at every level across our State face tremendous challenges as they address the crisis created by COVID-19; we commend our dedicated educators who have stepped up, adapting quickly to ensure continuity of learning so our students don’t fall behind.
The grant is funded through the federal Education Stabilization Fund (ESF), authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Learn more about the Education Stabilization Fund-Rethink K12 Education Models Grants.
Our Reach
In addition to the 70+ districts identified here, we will expand and customize our reach to include non-public and charter schools.
Rethinking K12 Education Grant
On-Demand Library
Promising Practices Virtual Edcamp Keynote
Edcamp is a powerful learning experience designed just for educators and those in the education field. You set the topics and the design of the conversations. Simply learn what you want to learn. There are no experts and no prepared sessions. Edcamp provides the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues, share experiences, ask questions, discuss ideas, challenge your thinking, debate, communicate, and network!
For more information on our upcoming Promising Practices Edcamp click HERE.
Core Competency Resources
The purpose of TRLE, a three-phase program, is to build the capacity of teachers and educational leaders to effectively implement remote/hybrid learning for all students.
Phase 1, currently underway, focuses on rapid deployment of professional learning to the field via the state’s existing networks, in six areas of focus or “core competencies.”
Below are the core competencies. There, you will find further information about each area of focus in addition to helpful resources from NYSED, our partners, and colleagues.
Click on the Image to Learn More.
TRLE Events
Click here to view a calendar that features TRLE professional learning events from our partners across the state. Click on the event title to see a description of the professional learning and a registration link.
Learn More
For more information on the Teaching in Remote/Hybrid Learning Environments (TRLE) visit the NYS Education Department.